Do iPhone screens break easier than Android

Do iPhone screens break easier than Android

Do iPhone screens break easier than Android

According to figures from Statcounter, half of all smartphone owners in the UK have an iPhone, and statistically, iPhone owners tend to use their devices more than Android users. As such, it only makes sense that they are being dropped more and suffering from cracked screens.
But, it still begs the question, "Do iPhone screens break easier than Androids?" The simple answer is no. iPhone and Android screens are equally susceptible to suffering from the same kinds of damage, including broken screens.
In the ever-evolving world of smartphones, a common concern among users is the durability of their device's screen. The debate over whether iPhone screens break more easily than Android screens has raged on for years. In this comprehensive analysis, we will delve into the various factors contributing to screen durability in both iPhone and Android devices, ultimately shedding light on this contentious issue.

Materials and Build Quality:

One of the key determinants of screen durability is the materials and build quality of the device. iPhones, typically known for their premium construction, utilize high-quality materials like Gorilla Glass and aluminum frames, which contribute to their robust build. In contrast, Android devices vary widely in terms of build quality, with some manufacturers prioritizing cost savings over durability. This discrepancy can lead to Android screens being more prone to damage in some cases.

Impact Resistance:

Both iPhone and Android screens are designed to withstand accidental drops and impacts. However, the level of impact resistance can vary depending on the specific model. Some Android devices may feature enhanced impact resistance, such as shatterproof screens, while iPhones often rely on tempered glass for durability. The choice of protective cases can also influence impact resistance, making it a crucial consideration for users of both platforms.


When screens do break, the ease of repair plays a significant role in the overall experience. iPhones, although known for their sleek design, can be challenging to repair due to their tightly integrated components and proprietary screws. Android devices, on the other hand, often offer a more modular design, making screen replacements easier and potentially more cost-effective.

Operating Systems and User Behaviour:

Another factor that can impact screen breakage is user behaviour and the operating system itself. Android's open-source nature allows for a wide range of customization options and third-party apps, which might lead to increased risk if not used responsibly. iPhones, with their more locked-down ecosystem, may provide a more controlled environment, potentially reducing the likelihood of accidents.

Screen Protection:

Many users opt to apply screen protectors to their devices to prevent screen damage. However, the effectiveness of screen protectors can vary. iPhones tend to have a wide range of high-quality screen protectors available due to their popularity, while Android users might face a more limited selection depending on their device's brand and model.

Drop Tests and Case Studies:

To objectively assess the issue of screen durability, drop tests and case studies provide valuable insights. These tests involve dropping iPhones and Android devices from various heights and angles to simulate real-world accidents. Case studies can highlight the differences in screen breakage incidents between the two platforms, shedding light on which is more prone to screen damage.

User Feedback and Experiences:

User feedback and personal experiences are instrumental in understanding how iPhone and Android screens hold up in real life. Online forums and social media platforms are rich sources of anecdotal evidence. Users often share their experiences with screen breakage, offering insights into the perceived differences between the two platforms.


In the debate over whether iPhone screens break more easily than Android screens, it is clear that numerous factors come into play. While iPhones benefit from premium materials and build quality, Android devices vary widely in this regard. Impact resistance, reparability, operating systems, user behaviour, and screen protection also play pivotal roles.
The answer to this question may vary depending on the specific models and user habits. It is essential for individuals to consider their own needs, preferences, and usage patterns when selecting a smartphone. While both iPhone and Android devices have their strengths and weaknesses, informed decision-making can help users minimize the risk of screen breakage and extend the lifespan of their beloved devices.

Android screens are an integral part of the user experience in the world of mobile technology. These displays serve as the primary interface through which users interact with their devices, and they come in various forms and sizes, each with its unique capabilities and characteristics. In this comprehensive 1000-word description, we will delve into the diverse aspects of Android screens, discussing their evolution, types, resolutions, technologies, and their impact on user interaction and app development.

Evolution of Android Screens:

The history of Android screens can be traced back to the early days of smartphones. The very first Android device, the HTC Dream (also known as the T-Mobile G1), was introduced in 2008 with a relatively modest 3.2-inch touchscreen. Over the years, the screens of Android devices have evolved dramatically. They have grown larger, sharper, and more versatile, reflecting the ever-increasing demands of users and the capabilities of the Android operating system. The introduction of capacitive touchscreens in the late 2000s marked a significant leap in user interaction. These screens, unlike resistive touchscreens, enabled users to interact with their devices through natural gestures, like swiping and pinching. This change revolutionized the way we use smartphones and set the stage for more advanced features and functionalities.

Types of Android Screens:

Android screens come in a variety of types, each designed to serve specific purposes and cater to different user preferences. The most common types include:

1. LCD (Liquid Crystal Display): LCD screens have been a staple in Android devices for years. They offer good color accuracy and brightness, making them suitable for a wide range of applications.

2. AMOLED (Active Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode): AMOLED screens are known for their vibrant colors and deep blacks. They are energy-efficient because each pixel emits its light. This technology is often used in high-end smartphones.

3. IPS (In-Plane Switching): IPS screens provide excellent viewing angles and color reproduction, making them popular in mid-range and budget Android devices.

4.OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode): OLED screens, like AMOLED, offer vibrant colors and deep blacks. They are commonly found in flagship Android phones.

5. E-ink: E-ink screens are primarily used in e-readers and some niche Android devices. They mimic the appearance of printed text and are known for their exceptional readability in direct sunlight.

6. Foldable Screens: Recent innovations have led to the development of foldable screens, which can be folded or unfolded to provide a larger or smaller display area. These screens open up new possibilities for multitasking and user experiences.

Screen Resolutions and Density:

The resolution of an Android screen refers to the number of pixels it can display, typically measured in width x height format. Higher resolution screens can render sharper and more detailed images and text. Common screen resolutions include HD (720p), Full HD (1080p), 2K (1440p), and 4K (2160p). The screen resolution plays a significant role in determining the overall clarity and quality of content displayed on the device.

Screen density, often measured in dots per inch (DPI), determines how many pixels are packed into a given area of the screen. Higher screen density results in sharper text and images. Android devices offer various screen densities, ranging from low-density (LDPI) to extra high-density (XHDPI). Developers need to consider screen density when designing apps to ensure they look good on various Android devices.

Technological Advancements:

The advancement of Android screens has not been limited to increased pixel counts and improved color reproduction. Various technological innovations have enhanced the user experience. Some of these advancements include:

1.High Refresh Rate Displays: Android devices now feature high refresh rate screens, such as 90Hz or 120Hz. These screens offer smoother scrolling and animations, providing a more responsive feel to the user.

2.HDR (High Dynamic Range): HDR screens deliver a wider range of colors and improved contrast, resulting in more vivid and lifelike content. This is particularly beneficial for video streaming and gaming.

3.In-Display Fingerprint Sensors: Many Android smartphones now integrate fingerprint sensors directly into the display, allowing for secure and convenient authentication without the need for a physical button.

4. Notch and Punch-Hole Displays: To maximize screen real estate, some Android devices feature notches or punch-hole cutouts to house front-facing cameras and sensors. This design trend has become popular in recent years.

5. Under-Display Cameras: A cutting-edge technology allows the front-facing camera to be hidden beneath the display when not in use, providing an uninterrupted viewing experience.

6. Sustainable Screen Technologies: Android manufacturers are increasingly focusing on sustainability, with innovations like energy-efficient screens and the use of recycled materials in screen production.

Impact on User Interaction and App Development:

Android screens are a vital component in shaping the way users interact with their devices and the applications they use. The screen size, type, and resolution directly influence how apps are designed and how users engage with them. - Responsive Design: App developers must create responsive designs that adapt to various screen sizes and orientations.

This includes optimizing layouts for both smartphones and tablets, as well as accommodating devices with foldable screens. - Touch and Gestures: Android screens are primarily touch-based, which has led to the proliferation of touch gestures like swiping, pinching, and tapping in user interfaces. App developers need to incorporate intuitive gestures to enhance the user experience. - Multitasking and Split-Screen: Larger screens, especially on tablets and foldable devices, enable more advanced multitasking. App developers can leverage this by offering split-screen functionality for improved productivity. - Media and Gaming: High-resolution screens with HDR capabilities enhance media consumption and gaming experiences on Android devices.

App developers can take advantage of these features to deliver stunning graphics and immersive content. - Accessibility: Android screens also have a significant impact on accessibility. Developers must ensure that their apps are accessible to users with different levels of visual impairment, which may require larger text, adjustable fonts, and voice commands.


In the world of Android, screens are the windows to a universe of digital experiences. Their evolution has been nothing short of remarkable, with advancements in technology, resolution, and screen types. These screens have not only shaped the way we interact with our devices but have also spurred app developers to create innovative and responsive user interfaces.

The future promises even more exciting developments in Android screens, as they continue to play a pivotal role in our daily lives and the way we engage with technology.   The iPhone screen is a critical component of Apple's iconic smartphone, known for its vibrant displays, innovative technology, and user-friendly design. This 1000-word description will delve into the history, technology, and evolution of the iPhone screen.


Evolution of iPhone Screens:

The iPhone's screen has undergone significant evolution since its inception in 2007. The first-generation iPhone featured a 3.5-inch display with a resolution of 320x480 pixels, and it was considered groundbreaking at the time. However, it was quickly overshadowed by the Retina display introduced with the iPhone 4 in 2010.

Retina Display:

The Retina display, with a pixel density of 326 pixels per inch, was a game-changer. It provided incredibly sharp and clear visuals, making text and images appear as if printed on paper. This innovation set a new standard for screen quality in the industry. Subsequent models continued to refine this technology, with improved color accuracy and brightness.

Screen Size and Form Factor:

Apple has introduced various iPhone models with different screen sizes over the years. The iPhone SE has a compact 4-inch screen, suitable for those who prefer a smaller device. In contrast, the iPhone XS Max and 11 Pro Max offer massive 6.5-inch OLED displays, providing ample screen real estate for multimedia and productivity.

OLED Technology:

The introduction of OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) displays brought significant improvements to iPhone screens. OLED technology allows for each individual pixel to emit its light, resulting in deeper blacks and more vibrant colors compared to traditional LCD screens. The iPhone X marked the first time Apple utilized OLED displays, which have since become standard in flagship models.

True Tone and ProMotion:

Apple's commitment to enhancing the user experience extends to features like True Tone and ProMotion. True Tone automatically adjusts the screen's white balance to match the surrounding light, creating a more natural viewing experience. ProMotion, introduced with the iPhone 13 Pro, offers a dynamic 120Hz refresh rate for smoother scrolling and more responsive touch interactions.

Ceramic Shield:

The durability of iPhone screens has always been a concern. To address this, Apple introduced Ceramic Shield with the iPhone 12. It is made by introducing ceramic nanocrystals into the glass, resulting in four times better drop performance. This innovation significantly enhances the screen's resistance to shattering.

Notch and Face ID:

One of the most distinctive elements of recent iPhone screens is the "notch." Introduced with the iPhone X, the notch houses the TrueDepth camera system for Face ID and selfie capabilities. While it has become a recognizable feature, opinions on its aesthetics vary among users.

HDR and Dolby Vision:

The latest iPhone screens support High Dynamic Range (HDR) content and Dolby Vision. This means you can enjoy movies and videos with a wider color gamut, deeper blacks, and brighter highlights. It's a remarkable advancement for content consumption.

Resolution and PPI:

Apple has consistently improved the resolution and pixel density of iPhone screens. The iPhone 13 Pro Max, for instance, boasts a resolution of 1284x2778 pixels and 458 pixels per inch (PPI). These high numbers contribute to the stunning clarity and detail of the display.

Accessibility Features:

Apple prioritizes accessibility, and iPhone screens include features like Magnifier, VoiceOver, and color filters to cater to diverse user needs. These assistive technologies make the iPhone accessible to a broader audience.

Customization and Widgets:

iOS offers a high level of screen customization, with the ability to add widgets, change app icons, and organize your home screen to suit your preferences. This level of personalization enhances the overall user experience.

Impact on User Experience:

The iPhone screen is central to the user experience. Its size, quality, and the technology it incorporates influence everything from gaming and multimedia consumption to productivity and communication. The smooth, responsive touch interface is a hallmark of iPhones, making tasks like scrolling, swiping, and typing a pleasure.

Ergonomics and One-Handed Use:

The design of the iPhone screen is carefully considered for one-handed use. With features like Reachability, users can access content at the top of the screen without straining their thumb. This is especially important as screen sizes have grown.

Brightness and Display Technology:

The iPhone screen's brightness is a standout feature, allowing for clear visibility in various lighting conditions. It adapts to ambient light, ensuring that the screen is neither too dim nor overly bright, saving battery life.

Camera and Photography:

The quality of the iPhone screen also plays a role in photography and videography. The True Tone display ensures that what you see on the screen accurately represents the colors and lighting of your subject, aiding in composition and editing.

Battery Life and Efficiency:

Apple designs its screens with energy efficiency in mind. The combination of hardware and software optimization extends battery life, ensuring users can enjoy their screens for longer periods between charges.

Privacy and Security:

The screen is integral to the security of the device. Face ID uses the TrueDepth camera to scan and verify the user's face, ensuring secure access to the device and sensitive data. In conclusion, the iPhone screen has come a long way from its modest beginnings in 2007.

Apple's relentless pursuit of innovation has resulted in displays that are not only visually stunning but also packed with features that enhance the overall user experience. Whether it's the adoption of OLED technology, advanced camera capabilities, or durability enhancements, the iPhone screen continues to be a focal point of technological progress in the smartphone industry. As we look to the future, it's clear that the iPhone screen will remain a cornerstone of Apple's commitment to delivering the best possible user experience.  

Why do iPhone screens break easily?

It may seem like iPhone screens are breaking more than ever before, and the fact is, they probably are. Not only do we use our devices more than ever before, with studies showing that the average screen time in the UK stands at 3 hours and 23 minutes per day, but they aren’t as durable as they used to be. Each year, both iPhones and Androids get bigger to facilitate better screen resolutions, but they are made thinner to compensate for their size.
As such, newer models have more power and capabilities than ever before, but can be incredibly fragile and have relatively easy-to-damage screens. This combination of increased daily usage and fragility is ultimately why the demand for iPhone screen repairs has never been higher.

Should I have my iPhone screen fixed?

Yes, cracked or broken screens should always be fixed as soon as possible to avoid causing internal damage to your device. If a shattered screen is not fixed, it can cause dust, dirt, water, and other debris to work their way into your device and wreak havoc with its hardware and software. Over time, you may notice that the touch response breaks down, the brightness and color fade, and your smartphone will stop working as it once did.
Cracked screens are more than just an aesthetic issue, and you will find that screen repairs can extend the life of your device considerably, whilst saving you a lot of money down the line. To summarize, no, iPhone screens do not break more easily than Android screens. When comparing a range of models, it can be seen that iPhones and Androids over the years have both prioritised the increasing size, resolution, and power of their screens, but at a cost. Whichever smartphone you have, their screens are equally fragile and susceptible to suffering from the same kinds of damage.

Is your iPhone screen broken?

If your iPhone has a broken screen or looks a little worse for wear, don’t wait for the problem to worsen. Get in touch with our team at imFixed today on 01204 520520, or you can email us at Our friendly and knowledgeable in-store team will be more than happy to assist you and get your iPhone repaired as quickly as possible.
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