How to fix a water damaged phone by yourself

How to fix a water damaged phone by yourself

How to fix a water damaged phone by yourselfPhone Repairs in Trafford

Salvaging Your Lifeline: A Step-by-Step Guide to DIY Water Damage Repair for Your Phone In the blink of an eye, a water-damaged phone can send panic coursing through our digital lives. However, with the right knowledge and a swift response, it's possible to rescue your device from the brink of irreparable harm. This in-depth guide walks you through the meticulous steps of DIY water damage repair, empowering you to take control of the situation and potentially revive your cherished companion. Immediate Action: Retrieve and Power Off Retrieve Quickly: The moment your phone encounters water, swift action is paramount. Retrieve it from the water source as quickly as possible. Every second counts in minimising potential damage. Power Off Immediately: If your phone is still powered on, turn it off immediately. This helps prevent short circuits and further damage. If the phone is already off, resist the urge to power it on, as attempting to do so can exacerbate the damage. Remove Accessories and SIM Card: Take off any protective cases, remove the SIM card, and detach any other removable components. This facilitates better airflow and aids in the drying process. Drying Methods: Proceed with Caution Avoid Heat Sources: While the instinct might be to use a hairdryer or place your phone near a heater, excessive heat can cause more harm than good. It's crucial to avoid direct exposure to heat sources, as it may damage internal components. Pat Dry with a Cloth: Gently pat your phone dry with a soft, lint-free cloth. Avoid rubbing the phone vigorously, as this can push water further into the device. Pay attention to ports, buttons, and any other openings where water might have entered. Use Desiccants or Rice: While not foolproof, placing your phone in a bag of desiccant packets or rice can help absorb moisture. Desiccants, like silica gel packs, are preferred for their superior moisture-absorbing properties. Seal the phone and desiccants in a bag for 24-48 hours to enhance the drying process. Disassembly and External Cleaning: For the Brave Seek Professional Assistance: If you're comfortable with electronics and have experience in disassembling devices, carefully open the phone to allow better airflow. However, this step is not recommended for the average user. If in doubt, or if the phone is under warranty, it's best to seek professional assistance to avoid causing additional damage. External Cleaning: For those comfortable with some level of disassembly, use a small brush or compressed air to clean external components. Be cautious and gentle to avoid pushing water further into the phone. This step is particularly effective if the water exposure is from a less damaging source, such as clean water. Silica Gel Pack Method: A Proactive Approach Silica Gel Packs: If available, using silica gel packs can be a more effective drying method than rice. Silica gel has better moisture-absorbing properties and is often found in packaging for electronics. Place your phone in a sealed bag with several silica gel packs to enhance the drying process. Test and Monitor: The Moment of Truth Wait for Adequate Drying: Patience is key in this process. Allow your phone to dry thoroughly before attempting to turn it on. Rushing the process can lead to further damage. Power On with Caution: After the drying period, power on your phone with caution. If it powers up successfully, check all functionalities, including the touchscreen, buttons, speakers, and cameras. Be vigilant for any unusual behaviour. Monitor for Lingering Issues: Even if your phone seems to work fine initially, monitor it closely for any signs of lingering issues. These can include erratic behaviour, decreased performance, or eventual failure. Water damage might not manifest immediately, and issues may surface over time. Consideration of External Solutions: Isopropyl Alcohol Bath: In situations where water damage might be accompanied by contaminants, a bath in isopropyl alcohol can be considered. This solution can help dissolve and remove impurities. However, it's crucial to exercise caution, and this method is best suited for advanced DIY enthusiasts. Electronics Cleaner Spray: Electronics cleaner sprays specifically designed for removing water and moisture can be cautiously applied to internal components. Ensure the device is completely dry before reintroducing power. When DIY Isn't Enough: Professional Assessment Seek Manufacturer Guidelines: Consult your phone's manual or the manufacturer's website for specific guidelines on dealing with water damage. Some manufacturers offer advice or services tailored to their devices. Professional Repair Services: If your attempts to revive the phone prove unsuccessful, or if you're uncomfortable with the DIY approach, consider consulting professional repair services. Technicians equipped with specialised tools and knowledge may be able to diagnose and address water damage issues. Conclusion: Navigating the Waters of DIY Phone Repair In conclusion, attempting to fix a water-damaged phone yourself is a delicate process that requires a careful balance of swift action, caution, and patience. While these DIY steps can increase the likelihood of successful recovery, it's essential to recognize the limitations of self-repair, especially for complex electronics. Remember, prevention is often the best remedy. Investing in preventive measures, like waterproof cases and pouches, can significantly reduce the risk of water damage. Additionally, being mindful of your phone's environment and taking swift action in the event of water exposure are crucial components of effective damage control. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you empower yourself to navigate the challenges of water damage and potentially salvage your mobile lifeline. If you encounter difficulties or have specific questions during the repair process, seeking professional help is always a viable option. This detailed guide provides comprehensive steps for DIY water damage repair on your phone. If you have specific questions or need further details on any aspect, feel free to ask!

Water is the enemy of phones, and when it works its way into the ports, jacks, and speakers, the potential damage is done because it will immediately flow into the circuits. It carries a current, which then overloads the phone with energy, and in turn, fries the circuit board.

Allowing the phone to dry on its own is not advisable as water has minerals that easily corrode the phone's lead, which is always on its circuits, coils, and resistors. The damage might not be noticed immediately due to time lag. Sometimes, the water might take a little longer to reach vulnerable components of the phone. This is one of the reasons why when you drop your phone into water, it starts misbehaving the following day, but without any noticeable damage on the first day.

It also depends on the kind of water you drop your phone into. If you drop your phone into saltwater, it will damage your phone fast as saltwater is a very corrosive agent. It might have a fighting chance if it were in freshwater. Even if your phone suffers serious water damage, it still doesn’t render the phone useless. Although, when it’s under repair, your phone will have to be sidelined.

Find a way to protect your phone.

If you have the opportunity to get a waterproof phone, it is the best option as you will be making sure that your next phone survives a dip. Waterproof phones are not cheap to come by, though. If you struggle with liquids, then you need to be extra careful with your doings, and if you can’t, buy something like a waterproof phone pouch. It helps.

How to Fix a Water Damaged Phone

We’ve all been there or almost been in a position at some point where we’ve almost dropped our phone in a puddle, in a sink, or even in the toilet. It’s always good to know what to do and what not to do in these situations. There's nothing wrong with preparing for the worst. Most phones generally tend to be water-resistant as it is. However, there are some tips and tricks that everyone can use to avoid damage or prevent it from getting any worse. Let’s begin by talking about what you SHOULDN’T do.

What NOT to do:

  1. Keep the phone switched off. When water comes into play with electrical components, it doesn’t work out too well, so you should avoid this to begin with and not switch it on.
  1. Don’t plug it into any switch or connect it to any power source whatsoever. This includes plugging it into the main charger or a USB charger. This is a big nope.
  1. Try not to mess around with buttons, push too hard on the phone, or move it around too much. You don’t want to push the phone into deeper areas of the phone. This could worsen the condition of the phone if it is already damaged, so avoid fidgeting with it too much.
  1. Blowers or hair dryers are a big no-no. This isn’t something you want to do as it could retain the water inside the phone or push it further.
  1. Do not place it on the heater or radiator either. Too much excessive heat can damage the phone, and I’m sure we can agree that this is the last thing we want to do.
  1. Use common sense. If you think it may damage the phone further or if you’re unsure of how it may affect the phone, it’s probably a good idea to not do it.

Switch off the phone as soon as possible.

Reacting quickly to such an event is not easy as a sinking feeling sets in immediately, but you need to snap out of it immediately to prevent further damage. The chances of your device surviving a dip reduce with every second it is in the water. You need to take the phone out of the liquid right away, even if it’s in the toilet.

Switch off the phone immediately. It’s out of the water. It is really important. Do not be deceived about it staying on; it is very important to switch it off just in case. As water is a good conductor, it is important for it not to permanently damage the important parts. If the phone has a removable battery, you should also take it off.

Take apart the water-damaged phone.

To fix a water-damaged phone, any part that you can easily take off the phone should be removed. This means the back cover, casing, the battery, sim card, memory card, etc. Wipe everything down using a paper towel.

If you know your phone and are able to take it apart easily, then by all means, go ahead and do this for all the other parts. Drying each item individually makes a difference and will help each piece dry up quicker. However, if you don’t know what you’re doing, then be careful. You don’t want to void your warranty or cause more harm to your phone. So avoid doing anything you’re not comfortable doing.

Using a paper towel, pat dry.

Get rid of all the excess water on the exterior. Do this by using a paper towel to dry each item individually. Don’t use too much force or try too hard because you don’t want to damage the phone further by applying too much force.

Vacuum Cleaner

If you have a low-suction vacuum cleaner, then you can use this to suction the water out of the phone. Use something small and keep it on minimal power so it doesn’t damage any of the phone’s components, and keep a fair distance depending on the suction power.

Drying it out

A very common practise is to place your phone in a zip-lock bag full of rice and leave it untouched for about 2-3 days. It’s the only way you’ll fully dry out the phone of any moisture and it’s the most effective.

This is inevitably the hardest step, as you can’t touch or use the phone throughout this period. You could really leave it on a desktop and let it dry out its elves, but using a bag of rice will only speed the process and do no harm.

Rice is good at absorbing humidity in the air. You could use this or silica gel packs, which are easily available on Amazon.

..and we’re done!

Once 2-3 days have passed, it’s the moment of truth. Pull out your phone from the back and put it all back together. Plug it in, turn it on, and see how that works out for you. If it works, then well done. You’ve repaired it successfully. Make sure to test all the components, such as the microphone, speaker, camera, battery, etc.

If the phone doesn’t work, then feel free to hit us up and we’ll have a look at it for you or repair it at our shop in Bolton, Manchester.

Alternatively, you could visit Imfixed or contact us through to get your water-damaged phone fixed quickly.

How to fix a water damaged phone by yourself


1. What should I do immediately if my electronic device gets water damaged?

Act swiftly to minimise damage. Retrieve the device, power it off if it's still on, remove any accessories, and pat it dry with a soft cloth. Avoid using heat sources like a hairdryer, and consider using desiccants or rice to absorb moisture. If you're comfortable, disassemble the device, but seeking professional help is advisable for complex electronics. 2. Can rice really help in drying out a water-damaged device? Rice can absorb some moisture, but it's not foolproof. While placing a device in a bag of rice may help, it's not as effective as using specialised drying agents like silica gel. Additionally, rice particles can get inside the device, potentially causing more harm. Silica gel packs, if available, are a better option due to their superior moisture-absorbing properties. 3. Is there any way to prevent water damage to electronic devices in the first place? Yes, several preventive measures can help. Invest in waterproof cases, especially for portable electronics. Consider devices with water-resistant features, and be cautious in water-prone environments. Keep electronics in sealed bags or pouches when near water sources, and avoid exposing them to moisture whenever possible. 4. Can water damage be repaired, or is it often irreversible? The extent of repairability depends on the severity of the water damage. Swift and proper actions, like turning off the device and drying it thoroughly, increase the chances of recovery. However, if water has penetrated critical components, especially in complex electronics, irreversible damage may occur. Seeking professional help for assessment and repair is recommended. 5. What are the long-term effects of water damage on electronic devices?

Water damage can lead to various long-term issues, including corrosion, short circuits, and damage to internal components. Even if a device seems to function initially after drying, latent problems may arise over time. These issues can manifest as erratic behavior, decreased performance, or eventual failure. It's essential to monitor the device for any unusual signs even after apparent recovery.

How to fix a water damaged phone by yourself

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